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金币充值说明  jack  發表於 2023-11-6 05:49:29
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發表於 2023-10-29 20:28:53 | 只看該作者
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$12 USD Paypal Recharge
5 E7 v& J( `: p1 i) v9 z23B2******2640R  z. B  u6 M0 S8 c# |" b
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發表於 2023-11-1 22:13:28 | 只看該作者
Hello I'm korean I want to join your website having vip account. Please tell me how can i get VIP account. I want to pay some money, and i want to download some vid
累計簽到:17 天
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 樓主| 發表於 2023-11-1 22:14:33 | 只看該作者
twt7788 發表於 2023-11-1 22:13  n2 Y$ G  T2 t. `
Hello I'm korean I want to join your website having vip account. Please tell me how can i get VIP ac ...

* x* n7 r5 e% ]# S  chttps://www.158card.com/card/022/5399.html0 l4 [5 c& X4 M- o; z& u" x

& Z/ j9 X' t4 Z2 A" J4 y$ Q# H# W5 A0 aYou may use this site to purchase, after pay they will send you the activation code by Paypal email.) f0 |8 L& r4 @* }

- n5 m% t5 |2 k  H% F+ E7 Z: r3 A; JThen you copy the code
% b5 _6 \: F- x; VAnd then login you username and password to this page to activated: C' G* }/ z- D" G. w  q: y

9 I% `* U/ O) M6 y5 _! ghttps://wkbilibili.com/plugin.ph ... keygroup:cdkeygroup
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發表於 2023-11-1 22:21:11 | 只看該作者
I sent $12. When will the gold coins arrive?
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發表於 2023-11-1 22:21:55 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 twt7788 於 2023-11-1 22:49 編輯
/ F/ r- W, J; z
9 {! N! A9 j! g7 @8 j, yI sent $12. When will the gold coins arrive?
- y; n( U; B+ j5 Y9 G* oMy paypal transaction ID is 9AD86718CU4663533
, ^& Q  K0 a1 q4 _3 z1 b$ Z* c( g+ u+ i
) K  t3 d( x1 j! Z* _
5 O7 ~; Z# p) J; Y0 i, n( o
5 I7 S% a% a1 }. k" T0 ]1 R7 O
Please check this. I wanna use your service. and if your website's service is good, I will make a vip account0 O8 z+ w4 b  X


發表於 2023-11-3 01:14:00 | 只看該作者
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發表於 2023-11-6 05:49:29 | 只看該作者

回復樓主 親!! 早上好! 心底有WK、心情就會飛翔,心中要個希望、笑容就會清爽!

 分享同時學會感恩,一句感謝的話語,就是最大的支持!  歡迎交流討論
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