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- 2006-4-6
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- 1970-1-1
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What is a pronoun?0 q4 ^8 m6 Y n5 b
A pronoun is a word which we use to replace a noun.
+ x4 b! n8 t$ z- t5 R代名詞是一個代替名詞的。
: W8 T7 [9 ~. C4 T/ j0 k& _2 s) }9 Y) m! p* S y1 f0 E
Types of pronouns 代名詞的種類& {& c! i; m& F, \( R% _. J$ f5 R a
9 ~3 o \5 A/ b/ r& m(1) Personal Pronouns 人稱代名詞6 h# L( E N4 _/ K
) j+ r, o1 _6 P- J
(a) We use these pronouns to replace the name of a person/a thing in the subject position, often at the beginning of a sentence.
- l* n5 B2 t6 ~. {' U我們用代名詞來代替在主語位置的人物名稱,通常是在句子裡開首出現的。6 Z3 \. T z; ?& l6 t+ B$ V& v1 h
--- I, we, you, they, he, she, it- p* y: S5 o* j( e, M+ \
! @! f3 l" K. Q0 m$ U$ a(b) Sometimes we use the pronouns to replace a noun which is in the object position, often at the end or near the end of a sentence./ E0 T5 ^# j9 t6 {9 w* y- p2 J
- A8 o8 z& J0 v6 |- F7 l& n3 t0 u --- me, us, you, them, him, her, it3 t6 n# W3 M% q) e' V3 r- j
3 z8 }) ^7 E% o h* t1 a9 R0 p(2) Possessive Pronoun 所有格代名詞0 Q4 ~+ l( G# Q% ^4 g
When we describe something that belongs to a person or persons, we can use the pronouns below.% T, X _6 v# Q# L$ M
如果我們形容一些屬於某人或某些人的東西,我們可以用以下的代名詞。/ r/ @% I. l/ ~4 v5 ]; o
--- mine(我的東西), ours(我們的東西), yours(你或你們的東西), theirs(他們的東西), his(他的東西), hers(她的東西), its(牠或它的東西) ' Z6 D1 d) Z7 `9 Z9 a5 ?
Q. A z+ x! J(3) Reflexive Pronoun 反身代名詞
1 S$ a! s3 n- A! n S9 Q8 AWe use these pronouns to refer back to the person(s) or thing(s) in the subject position of the sentence.
; I/ k# l5 q0 E我們用這些代名詞來代替句子中的當事人(或物)自己。
: ?% x- U1 a& i ?--- myself, yourself, yourselves, ourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself& C- m% Q9 J6 O7 |, F
; ~5 g5 X5 S9 `
(4) Interrogative Pronoun 疑問代名詞' Z8 D9 f( g* Y- g
We use these pronouns in a question to replace the persons or things that we do not know.
# T0 C" S$ }' Z5 n% Z( W我們用這些代名詞來表示在問題中的何人或何物。; w9 a' f3 }7 W
--- who, whom, whose, which, what( e/ H* c, ]1 \" N F
. x) S5 e/ X9 K4 p
(5) Demonstrative Pronoun 指示代名詞; t4 ?# o: O/ T. f2 A
We use these pronouns to talk about the person(s) or thing(s) which we are describing in the sentence.
; }- |8 g8 p% i: _我們用這些代名詞來表示那些我們在句子中正在形容的人物或東西。$ r9 q) i6 B/ k2 `; j7 X) ?
--- this, that, these, those |