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[英文] 关于艺术英语句子

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發表於 2016-6-15 17:07:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
1、艺术是活的科学。  Art is the science of living.$ [7 A6 p% w: V2 T
. E4 k0 W+ D6 v3 J  Treatment of magic.
  ^% c; [0 N# b/ D9 W( B  3、诗歌是艺术的女王。+ K( Z- N- Z, G
  Poetry is the art of the queen.
+ `! r) O* N* G# Q, D  4、艺术乃德行的宝库。
- q- x# T) A4 R, m! c4 X) A  Art is the treasure house of virtue.1 _' Z/ J0 J* `* M: K. @
  5、艺术使自然更完美。7 w, d' h2 I2 J' L
  Art makes more perfect nature." H% O4 J" {/ O, q$ S; p9 Q' \( {
0 k1 C$ p( W- R2 M; q" ~  Music is the air of poetry.
. }. k; f4 H2 ^6 ]. t  7、艺术是人类的天性。
2 W- _1 L; D9 J$ g/ l0 C7 t  Art is the human nature.
: e8 d1 d! _% N6 G% F  8、艺术是生活的镜子。; P5 j  S- _6 l! I
  Art is the mirror of life.
) j6 `( H: y6 A9 K* N+ j  9、音乐是人生的艺术。
: G. v( ]7 Z, |$ D$ T- k  |  Music is the art of life.
! A3 v- a1 A7 Y0 ^' `  10、意存笔先,画尽意在。
' H/ s; p: u: M* j  H" T  Dao in meaning pen first, paintings.
, w; q3 [: E8 K  11、舞蹈是脚步上的诗歌。9 a/ k9 t" r3 ~7 q* {6 i' }/ u0 z& s
  Dancing is footsteps on the poetry.9 P" @( M; H, E# A/ z" S
" K! p: }7 ^+ Q3 `. G  Outside the creature, the heart source.
$ X  {' {9 N- }! U: \, J  13、艺术,就是自然与人。
9 W! M! E$ ]0 d' v0 j2 V  Art is nature and man.9 j9 `# G4 {; j
  14、应从习作中寻求快乐。4 B4 B* {" I" ?9 O3 g5 W3 \8 _; S
  Should seek happiness from our project.
! w4 @2 `1 \- {3 h* @5 S9 F# C( l  15、笔墨亦由人品为高下。
' m1 i, I8 Q) R4 a8 L2 U3 g  e  Pen and ink by character to compete.
  b. _( \4 z) Q- k& N7 ]  16、音乐是人类的共同语言。
0 h  ~3 t" p2 e  w8 g  Music is the common language of mankind.4 R, h2 Y* z+ C, m
. B8 g; ]+ ~0 p0 y  Art is a noble sentiment catharsis.
) n1 J* l+ H! }" @  18、我不是在寻找,而是在探索。
. F8 `. k3 Z+ S4 G! u  I am not looking for, but in exploring.& `& z. ^" S* ]5 A7 p6 ]" u
  19、艺术是一门学会真诚的功课。. ]  [* R+ i4 V7 b
  Art is a learn to sincerely work.' L8 \0 G8 H, Y1 I  C1 @
  20、每部杰作是激情迸发的产物。# ?/ K: F. u  {: C$ ?, }
  Every masterpiece is the product of passion./ }; N+ O  \9 \# G
0 Q- u) O4 D% s0 V. f# _+ n  Too life there would be no art.' @5 M+ S' e7 L, f* Z
, c5 q9 y8 m0 g) |  Poetry is a vocal painting, painting is silent poetry.
$ V$ N( n: z8 V: ?" \$ U0 d  23、科学和艺术是一枚硬币的两面。( P+ u* |! b7 h  o
  Science and art are two sides of a coin.
* x2 r& G/ u) u7 s/ w7 W  W  24、艺术家用脑,而不是用手去画。  C5 B( b9 V7 T/ v2 b# R5 u. v
  Artist brain, rather than to draw by hand.
1 a% {3 a, U' J  25、艺术的基础存在于道德的人格。
' }, K  y& Y& ~$ ?  Art exists in the foundation of moral personality.9 T8 O- L0 v2 ]* C$ ]- d7 Y  k  m' P
  _+ a/ d: s4 l  House painting, equal to hang a thought.
8 g0 h! w1 h; m' m) z  27、“艺术”的力量远比“需要”弱小。: F/ Y: n; ~4 P& Z8 k% P" g
  The power of the "art" is far weaker than "need".
8 F/ l8 b0 f6 g: ~' ^) ?4 X  28、许多年轻人在学习音乐时学会了爱。4 e4 h& D! w# G) S
  Many young people in learning music has learned to love.
3 d. h' ^* o5 n. j# V  29、艺术是一种使我们达到真实的假想。
) F9 K3 L2 w, ]8 R5 }4 g  Art is a kind of make us to reach the real scenario.
+ X& u+ B  R- z/ x- L+ i  30、如果没有音乐,生活就是一个错误。
' z8 N6 X. M- {3 ~4 I; ?% o  Without music, life is a mistake.
: p- {- R! ^: y# E, w  p


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