- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
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- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
1、你只活一次。使它有意义。, @5 t. H6 p8 k5 Z: H4 z
You only live once. Make it meaningful.
: A( _- z3 [+ {' [, o 2、艺术家会创造,愚氓才会从众!
3 l: i6 ^2 U" g) Z: m* M; y5 o9 N1 F+ ` The artist creates, YuMang would crowd!5 F9 L' _$ ]9 {0 j# J9 k
% U7 c7 O" k. C. O% M2 d You must find what you love, and to watch it.1 k( J6 h1 w* R# `7 q
1 F6 [/ F5 c% L6 x& u Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.) U9 z8 z5 X* w$ T2 E y5 j- B
0 c7 j/ m! Z0 r/ m7 L9 R Innovation is to make all sorts of things together.; c6 V+ u, x3 S# c# I
6、拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事。. M8 H; d9 x- V; [% j* U) X B
It is a great thing to have a beginner's mind.
- J* [+ q, c" p6 a8 {4 U( g 7、你若能绕过经验,便会有创新之举。2 H% v5 X& R8 P+ H. z
If you can bypass the experience, will have the innovation.5 U4 A/ L) L% q5 ]& `
8、记住你即将死去!不要为别人而活!" s9 e# I4 y5 X$ _/ I3 O& ?
Remember that you are about to die! Don't live for others!
( k; T1 s' c' i, V" v 9、不要让别人的意见湮没了你心中那个声音。8 a9 j0 L5 h" N7 f0 O+ N
Don't let the noise of others' opinions annihilation of the voice in your heart.3 i& ]% O g% Y S: o
( C$ Z" F2 R3 G$ L1 D You will have nothing, you have no reason not to follow your heart.+ w: r5 Z# ?1 U2 f# J" h
4 w, H5 A$ ?1 A/ e6 C& G Your time is limited, don't waste it to repeat someone else's life.
' C1 [6 X, d% Z C2 U 12、不要欺骗别人,能被你骗到的都是相信你的人。
! j7 q, R( z: e: o- | Don't deceive others, can be you cheat to is a lot of people who believe in you.5 t0 V- N; k1 { k
13、活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?6 N! m" N' g; J
To live is to change the world, is there any other reason?
+ G. t4 G+ a! r 14、你必须努力理顺你的思维,才能使其简单明了。
$ X2 X. x2 e/ Y& O+ Q You must try to straighten out your thinking to make it simple and clear.6 x% w( M% A ~8 ]0 `
15、伟大的艺术品不必追随潮流,他本身就能引领潮流。; J( q4 ^: X5 ?9 W5 t( {
Great art don't have to follow the trend, he alone can lead.1 E; T8 m l, F' u8 q, \, h( G: {
16、即时最想到达天堂的人,也不想通过死亡到达天堂。- B- s+ O8 q# }% A
Instant want to reach the heaven, also don't want to reach heaven through death.$ I% E( T, ~! Z1 \0 L7 Q) e' g* U! p
17、那些疯狂到认为自己可以改变世界的人改变了世界。4 M+ u% a% ]" u+ o0 S
The people who crazy enough to think they can change the world has changed the world.( Q3 _- n7 d% v0 X6 I$ S% j
18、你的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间去过别人的生活。. u- c6 e0 s: X) K
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.6 L& Y5 }% ]* u' S
19、把每一天都当成生命中的最后一天,你就会轻松自在。- M. j3 k( X4 x* _' W' _; M3 r$ I3 L
Take each day as the last day of life, you will be at ease.* E) l, k" c8 G/ ?, L5 \
' R7 P$ x4 y( ]' O" x' U+ P Everything is simplified, it is just what I pursue, focus, and simple.
' B$ p& T0 _4 p7 Q 21、时间是有限的,所以不要把时间浪费在走别人的路上。# M1 `( D/ a( p9 |0 G2 R* @
Time is limited, so don't waste time on others on the way.
3 u+ f: H* ]/ W. t& h% J$ d 22、人生中最重要的决定不是你做什么,而是你不做什么。
8 N; y! E% l) d The most important decisions in life is not what you do, but what you do.
7 F% A4 u+ I* m, G 23、死亡很可能就是生命中最棒的发明,是生命交替的媒介。; K5 C( t& L5 |5 y/ x" O/ c
Death is very likely is the greatest invention in my life, is life of alternating medium.! Y) B+ t- o, Z) o* x) l
24、有些时候,生活会拿起一块砖头向你的脑袋上猛拍一下。( z& Q8 _+ i0 L* A9 T
Sometimes life's going picked up a brick to you in the head fierce clap.* k* ?7 y- X1 e5 [; k
) a3 Q/ Y" j$ s5 i1 G+ Z0 e g" U Please follow your own inner voice, they already know what you want to be.7 J G- [) q8 _1 A3 d
+ I% A+ N' S" Z$ o- p4 Y. E Your time is limited, so don't waste your time living in someone else's life.# \0 S, W9 N$ X% }
8 v9 T2 D0 m- W3 c( K Do you want to sell sugar water to spend the rest of their lives, or want to have a chance to change the world?
; S) F+ I1 M1 }- j$ m 28、如果今天是你生命的最后一天,你想做什么你今天要做什么?
% z$ ?2 F" m2 N+ a If today is the last day of your life, what do you want to do what are you doing today?7 i# I, z, E* \4 \
+ W& A% h0 T$ a Y8 }( _5 v Only crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world.
7 v, c q8 j6 q+ n) {7 ~: ] 30、普通的艺术家模仿别人的作品,伟大的艺术家窃取别人的灵感。
+ o# `1 x% s% O6 S" T7 q Common artists imitate others works, great artists steal other people's ideas.5 g$ Q* h5 c4 \" k