- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
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- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
经典抒情英文诗歌1 Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts,
; C8 w q/ Q$ J 你的胸怀有了那些心而越可亲
" o3 G7 M) e% T( z Which I by lacking have supposed dead,
" l) f! L- F" G6 [( `+ c1 n. @8 w (它们的消逝我只道已经死去);
0 v9 ^- V5 A3 d And there reigns love and all love's loving parts,
$ {. p/ j" K" w0 j# H: F0 U5 s 原来爱,和爱的一切可爱部分,: o' k8 X; s* |& [" C5 T
And all those friends which I thought buried.0 [6 _/ Z3 Y# o2 [
和埋掉的友谊都在你怀里藏住。& z* L' `. V3 U; R' O" a, t
How many a holy and obsequious tear4 h0 w! d5 |& x9 |3 E7 j" j
多少为哀思而流的圣洁泪珠# A0 U" W" R- j- b
Hath dear religious love stol'n from mine eye' x1 T- E6 x4 Q, V2 d
3 J: d8 a4 C8 ~+ O! Y& _/ |. F As interest of the dead, which now appear- j& E( f" H) W' ^
去祭奠死者!我现在才恍然大悟5 I Q, s, x* r* Y
But things removed that hidden in thee lie!0 Z. s+ A+ R' i! @- P! G
他们只离开我去住在你的心里。% R) G. B" \3 f
Thou art the grave where buried love doth live,
% l% Z, K& }9 h. J 你是座收藏已往恩情的芳塚,
! z0 _1 z1 S+ r, k5 q6 Y* o ^7 X Hung with the trophies of my lovers gone,
* ~; t/ m1 l* d+ P# x6 e/ Z3 A0 h 满挂着死去的情人的纪念牌,7 s. R( v7 _- X6 e# I; V6 y
Who all their parts of me to thee did give;
0 {* @; T" t( r6 c& a' N3 l1 r 他们把我的馈赠尽向你呈贡,5 q0 |* ?6 ?) [; F; W ?
That due of many now is thine alone:
4 {4 w/ o' s6 p; G1 ]6 q 你独自享受许多人应得的爱。
7 y) a/ c7 }) b4 u7 c& k& ], n Their images I loved I view in thee,
5 C9 V# X: K0 I& L6 ^1 L 在你身上我瞥见他们的倩影,
w9 i: {1 B# } m3 [) X# X: C0 y And thou, all they, hast all the all of me.
' j0 Y; w, a% F9 ?- \* h0 t5 V3 v 而你,他们的总和,尽有我的心。9 D0 n3 J/ b" o/ @$ [; J