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[英文] 外国英语诗歌欣赏:速度

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發表於 2016-7-1 15:37:49 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
外国英语诗歌欣赏:速度  the people planting potatoes are infected by dawn
. I7 p; o% z) ]* z  infected by the sun as it rises
, d3 p  [! R/ M( u  quickly they work the world is quick at this time! L$ s6 U1 e+ h4 d) {" A/ ^
  quickly the dew dries quickly the field voles scamper off" o( d' j6 L5 K
  at times like this you need to be quick labourers5 u, r1 B& v* v4 r6 {% ?* O
  are quick to remove their jackets to bare their arms
$ j8 ]! B! _6 M* ~4 y/ i  a whole day's work depends on a good morning start this is how+ X4 ]3 i/ ?) L6 S, h2 N+ @
  primary school teachers educate their students they
" z6 t  [% H* I0 F. |; t. w# y* t  react with speed the invisible world in their classrooms  n+ g" h6 I: w1 K+ q
  the morning’s Chinese lesson is understood on paper as
6 I" \. a- x5 M6 N; O, \  a few set phrases left over from yesterday
- I6 s: d& L7 j4 F# V  at dusk the world slows right down
. x2 k: h2 Z& F5 K# R  the ranks of the earth slow down facing westwards" v. Q; w" v4 I* V: P
  formations of corn-fields and low hills; g# c+ h1 }! L0 F! D, Z- f
  formations of rivers and forests
9 W% L0 S) [) R# G  formations of villages and sunflowers( U6 `$ e1 H7 N- {* ~! N: e
  everything slows down facing westward& |- |2 p$ v: q# G
  all those shadows dragged over things slow right down
  r& G4 c6 g& K  like silk wrapped round the body of night
# Q" }) y4 A6 \  D  slipping away, bolt by bolt
1 _, p5 Z! d/ ^1 J/ Z$ y& C4 i  the potato planters carrying their tools
1 ^. J- m( ~6 D1 V  Q- O8 f0 S# Y0 O  mingle with the kids coming home from school. L/ D9 g+ u. j: x1 L
  they walk slowly over the uplands7 c7 o: g7 Y9 I9 ^5 {
  home ahead of them not worried about time
: N0 d3 `( Q( o. x  the children dawdle
3 z  L- r8 Q$ M& C  no more homework to do* S+ n( p; ?9 C' ~
  the adults dawdle
0 _0 W7 X0 ?* o) T1 U3 u  because the potatoes have all been planted
# N- }5 I5 o2 o$ v9 B( A  they’re all so slow
# v; \7 b  p& v" r. Z  as if the earth had somehow got into their bodies
4 N5 y: L2 J7 @# d6 v7 T" d, b3 b  but those things planted at speed/ ~  ]& J( A+ m7 L" V
  have in no sense slowed down nor have they ever gained speed
) L6 I& F& K. L: w! f& M4 b3 c) |  incapable both of speed and slowness6 \$ K+ `. H% A: q, F- r7 z
  they’ve simply begun and all they have to do is grow
( n1 }% |+ f3 _  is be from morning to night
1 j# l/ p! c" t# i: c( K( l) r8 ?  from spring to autumn
% w+ m: w& [- T& }/ Q  neither hurried nor slow right to the very end7 A* Z" S6 b4 A% t+ I7 g7 d# I
  种土豆的人们受到黎明的感染; q  O1 n- _- a4 d
' f* p: Y' y5 z- |) r  活干得很快这时候世界是快的
8 x8 \" h6 X0 Y( U) W  露水干得很快田鼠逃得很快6 ]# h8 K( Y% E+ b
% c" @& ?8 j2 ]: d" ^. j5 M& q4 T. P  \  很快就脱去了上衣光起了膀子! s6 h% ?4 y/ q4 \
  一日之计在于晨小学教师% P1 B& Y$ O+ l: E# j2 R
: d5 s. [- \* p2 H  快速反应着教室里看不见世界8 c" Y2 l" h( L
7 q) |9 y0 k! C" l) \! `$ n  一些昨天剩下的成语
3 W% }' g2 h1 [$ m' K2 @  在黄昏中世界就慢下来
/ \7 q/ h" a  Z: v2 J9 z' Y  大地的队伍朝着西方慢下来
4 c" X) ~# P2 H: r; S8 U% q8 j: z  玉米地和山岗的队列
- {1 N+ y9 R* K& e, {4 \  河流和树林的队列
1 [2 V# G2 f1 i, f# k5 A, V  村庄和向日葵的队列
) J+ I. ?7 U& p/ [7 ]2 c  一切都朝着西方慢下来1 }+ C; G/ }! [& [& ^
  所有拖在物体上的影子都慢下来% O  \% f" r" C2 t, O! a- H
  像裹着黑夜之身的丝绸# V/ u, p5 \! x
  一匹匹滑落下去6 W/ \( R0 c3 S& @6 i
  种土豆的人们拎着工具0 _/ O7 ~0 Z, Y1 h9 j6 y: `; ?
5 t( z; S: x* }( M2 h# [  k: ?  在高地上缓慢地走着
0 g8 \, N  S/ _! A  前面是家他们不担心时间/ q8 |* C4 U8 A) G7 z7 e
  孩子们慢吞吞的$ S& A8 v( a0 q# {- h" A1 ^) U
- l' A3 k, b3 W! t6 Z  大人们慢吞吞的. W( s4 @+ n, T/ `
  因为土豆已经全部种下% j$ a4 Z. F+ n6 V( ~6 u% z/ p( l! ~
  他们那么缓慢% W7 @" E+ Z. n
. P- H  E8 Y: d  那在快速中被种下的东西. u. ~& R) ?' ?; g8 {4 n) j
  并没有慢下来也从未快过, G! y1 C% A0 C  u- B& }3 u
  它们不能快也无法慢5 W3 ]- W! _, y8 g) z
  只是开始了就要生长着: V9 @6 D! m' [, y9 I# ]1 S4 G, C6 e
  就要从早到晚从春天到秋天7 l6 c: R* Y- l6 [
  在着不紧不慢直到结束2 R& {- x- I5 H  o' o


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