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[英文] 晨读英文诗歌赏析:雪一直没有飘下来

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發表於 2016-7-2 11:55:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
晨读英文诗歌赏析:雪一直没有飘下来  不是在水或音乐的节拍里
3 I8 O: i" {( X8 P5 k+ n# U+ L  有时在一阵无名的节奏和忧郁的情调中+ ]! l% H/ l4 U; P6 l2 e
  有一种声音比诱惑更神秘% `& H9 f2 }+ y' x& _+ V% ~7 T
  不一定要知道你是谁1 }4 x2 n8 j# h  U/ W! e/ L
* n& G. V; D; ^$ B9 b1 `  也许因此,雪一直没有飘下来
( L) C: v% s  D$ {  果树对于果树不知是怎么相爱的
# s" m5 o6 p% R  围墙上的麻雀飞去又回来5 F( s; l! f1 X" s: ^4 M
  在开花的季节过后; e$ ?  o. L0 h: B
  每一个走过园子的人都会有不同的感觉1 F% }& h" `: R/ a" @$ R- J
  人和人是怎么相爱的8 s' n1 O; A. _6 {; H/ _
  有时隔着比树更远的距离- X% W6 J. m+ ~1 G: o/ I3 o8 G6 S6 W
/ Q8 H+ _+ P; p8 U0 F" G  尽管在许多瞬间沉入了铅灰色的天空% Y3 i0 d; S7 t8 x! \
  幻想的风使激情发冷& j# y2 B8 L! }9 y# q+ \: {0 ]
$ q6 A# D6 I4 @, L/ h" R, b  他无法知道化成水流的感觉
8 l2 k, Z; r% A/ }/ [+ A( ]# X  也许那时你已不再那么说
% s  d0 {- p$ K. H, M5 R  但,雪一直没有飘下来/ L# y3 Z3 X$ F  W
  Not from the meter of water or music' P) l9 S5 z5 g& M5 u2 Z% v  e
  But from unnamed rhythm and gloom& w/ R) t. I" P
  A voice more tempting than mystery
1 d2 u  P  x% C! [0 A+ ^$ `+ L+ [  You don't need to know who you are* r$ a( K; s( }! S) n7 m
  Fantasy won't find you in a crowded bar
! L2 R0 l% i4 U' x! e  with that possibility, still it hasn't snowed
6 Y( I# q6 Y2 h  Nobody knows the love between peach trees2 |0 i# @6 |8 {* a: P
  Sparrows fly from the courtyard wall5 b& F, r1 C0 j
  After the season of untouched flowers
  _+ s$ `0 C% J  Everyone passing will feel differently* A. R  j! d& j- c
  How do people love each other?
3 C9 u* t4 t- l  Sometimes they're more distant than trees
. {) R# d- N; a( D: X; ?4 U( O3 w  And still it hasn't snowed
. d) |6 N6 b2 O  Although immersed in the leaden sky5 J2 u" s  s8 E2 _9 V3 e
  Fantasy's front holds passion down% L, T1 i4 e+ j& w6 G, [
  Perhaps the low clouds of unfallen snow
6 _% b5 X, f4 f/ C* a3 [  Never know2 a# w* R* j' h& Z. n$ |9 P' |
  The feeling of letting go$ R7 ~0 Y  i5 ~
  Perhaps you might not say so then
0 s1 ~, Y1 R* `  But still it hasn't snowed
; S1 @( U% k6 e! y. p


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