- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
- 精華
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- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
英语晨读诗歌欣赏:温和的季节 The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings,
* a- {* k! H% O( E: j1 U5 a8 { With green hath clad the hill and eke the vale;
2 w: ~6 f5 }4 g& | The nightingale with feathers new she sings,: m& q; D% c6 p6 w
The turtle to her make hath told her tale.8 B* g: P; C" J: v" p I" g
Summer is come, for every spray now springs,6 _, g- D. A* y' z0 V; Q
The hart hath hung his old head on the pale,
8 ~4 ?/ ^! j5 u% M The buck in brake his winter coat he flings,
/ P5 H% K7 H1 b: W8 l" W0 F3 N The fishes float with new repaired scale,
$ j& c3 X5 E0 b; N9 R! } E- ]: l The adder all her slough away she slings,
! c. y* r+ h6 ~8 q; G7 F: G# P. x1 }8 y The swift swallow pursueth the fly?s smale,
- q& p$ R4 |7 b The busy bee her honey now she mings--
" [( }8 q8 y- P$ q Winter is worn that was the flowers' bale. K' S! U' o. `) ^
And thus I see, among these pleasant things
4 [9 u( H; V9 R. T Each care decays, and yet my sorrow springs.9 i3 }3 ^4 k0 t* h! T
温和的季节让嫩芽初吐,鲜花绽放,! M" w6 g# M6 o# a) O }6 e
1 j! s7 S; z( S1 ? 新换羽毛的夜莺一展歌喉,5 S! ?, {! ^- E; z P
斑鸠面对情侣倾诉衷肠。* f5 U6 `# B) K5 g" X8 g
夏天来了,根根枝条都在猛长,& X' m9 |3 p6 g
雄鹿脱落的犄角挂在篱笆围墙;: k5 J* h1 p- m& C
公羊把冬衣丢进树丛,1 N; H/ b& q% p8 `, x
鳞片崭新的鱼儿在水面游荡;! G* g! v% u3 N9 E2 g! \
敏捷的燕子追逐小小飞虫,0 a% H' S0 Y) C
幼蛇蜕掉往日的衣裳,( N8 ^* m; e: R% H* q( y' V9 t
忙碌的蜜蜂把花蜜酝酿。5 M' [* J' x$ U: F! z
寒冬远去,百花不再面对冰霜。; N. y- Q5 t( Y( w2 `' v. `% `
一片生机勃勃,眼前的景象,, x( y; X4 d4 [0 c* |
愁云散尽,可我心头却涌起悲伤。) M. j5 W6 k) D$ G# M. u4 ?- h, ^- G