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[英文] cautious的近义词 cautious的英文意思

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發表於 2016-9-26 18:05:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
4 [3 F" P; i! _  careful, cautious, attentive, prudent5 o, T, g6 |( m9 P5 r4 S
0 a- V& Q' U9 C* t  这些形容词均含有"小心的,谨慎的"之意。
1 |, d4 Q0 v: A5 m( m8 e% K  careful 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。
* K$ N! u0 a0 n6 G; Y  cautious 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。, |/ g* }7 Z; Y7 V
  attentive 指认真地注意地倾听别人的意见,留心别人的需要等。
5 d# W  R2 D, K& c4 X  prudent 指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。0 M4 O3 ~! j. w+ k9 p# |$ ]2 h
  cautious的英语例句:& j) c" @" O8 e; y; e
  1. Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.$ m* u) d+ Y/ K8 g* S
  轮到澳大利亚队出场击球,他们开始打得很谨慎。* g/ @; i6 C7 i2 Z. a2 U, n+ c4 i+ w+ M
  2. Investors are playing it cautious, and they're playing it smart.! {, y- e- ^# E* B. H2 B8 i
0 r4 I8 ^2 Q' C# a) I% g6 N5 p- \  3. The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.
, H8 Y5 I$ {+ ^4 E- Q  n  这项政策未被采纳,取而代之的是一项较为谨慎的策略。; B) ^. m7 z/ a2 i% O
  4. Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.
+ V  X' c8 L3 j# N7 o0 H  雇主在雇用新职员时可能会变得过于谨慎。* h$ `5 _$ P- Z1 k, U( x. p/ U
  5. The president became more cautious as his popularity dipped.
: p% D' @2 H  }. ^0 Z  由于支持率有所下降,总统变得更加谨慎了。4 X* g5 H: G' s& n/ f. `  n
  6. The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.- r5 u& S  i8 V) E
  该政党的二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。5 W  j4 ^6 W& i9 k( j
  7. His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.
! L& c! r7 i" C9 m  批评他的人不把他当回事,认为他太过谨慎,不能成事。9 K* P6 X7 a& S1 T8 U* ]  m) I0 T4 ~
  8. UN officials are expressing cautious optimism that the latest cease-fire is holding.
. t2 S- E5 f. P, o& F' k( U( z  联合国官员对于最近的停火协定是否有效持谨慎的乐观态度。
' _5 R  h* b2 d+ f* n- ^( P+ S  9. He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.
+ O- W2 _+ T0 }2 ]: y  他小心翼翼地站在边缘。' i' P! u, X; H6 `- D
  10. A degree of cautious optimism is justified.9 ~: G9 N+ A8 x- P. b7 m- Z1 M
  表现出一定程度的谨慎乐观是合乎情理的。  U, L$ f- L7 ]) R1 J
  11. He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.2 [8 V# d- U: I) I1 g9 F: L7 t# Y
3 G$ t# i" U( F; [. V. S; y6 H  12. On this account we should be more cautious on this voyage.
( g# j& I$ i- B) q& |% g. W, X$ P  以此,我们应该在这次航行中格外小心谨慎.
# C; p: m6 S1 i- @5 R: N  H  13. We should not only be bold, but also be cautious./ F  O# v1 q8 V7 y3 _1 s  M
  我们不仅要大胆, 而且要谨慎.
$ z* e% k# s% ~2 h  14. Doctors are understandably cautious about this new treatment.
1 m, J% O: A6 ^- k" V  医生对这个新疗法很谨慎是可以理解的.7 \9 P4 Y8 c3 E. ?; n
  15. Be cautious in doing such a matter!
) g8 x5 ~8 r8 [% b9 L9 q5 `  做这样事情要慎重从事!% |% H* M+ ^3 q1 L+ T

5 N8 b/ A4 \" i2 i. t  ~


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