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- 2007-1-20
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- 1970-1-1
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. ]1 `$ G) I7 ^% s" e careful, cautious, attentive, prudent$ v( o; b% q* a
! r3 e- A* {) s% ^$ C6 @' @$ ] 这些形容词均含有"小心的,谨慎的"之意。+ ~( C9 U) x: L# I! X. x* r& F
careful 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。
6 q2 b; f: O0 \5 p! m5 q9 S cautious 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。
) ~4 ]( X1 s+ o6 M attentive 指认真地注意地倾听别人的意见,留心别人的需要等。
0 H B' Y' q, R( D: f y prudent 指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。
+ x6 e5 v% z/ S9 p& j careful的英语例句:( t( e; c& Y4 y r
1. You have to be careful what you say on telly.
0 n8 m. o( s6 Y( m2 x 在电视上说话时你必须很谨慎。
2 z2 @ M6 q3 o9 W" C 2. Interior decoration by careful coordination seems to have had its day.
/ x$ q& D9 y8 T8 K 精心搭配的室内装饰似乎已不再受欢迎了。
l9 K9 ?# u' I5 |/ W0 n 3. One of the keys to successful business is careful planning.- d m; t1 ?) b+ T# @
打造成功企业的关键之一就是要精心策划。# {+ p4 M' I, {% V7 w( q7 p6 W
4. This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.
2 e& r3 i4 d# u9 C9 T) u 这种对待金钱的过分谨慎的态度有时几近于吝啬。8 K8 ?: V5 @5 z" E- f) B2 y; i$ I' P
5. The British Government was careful not to act unilaterally.
% q$ I' @2 n3 O6 h2 E, S) F7 e 英国政府小心行事,避免单边采取行动。
1 e' \2 i+ y9 I$ d' h8 m 6. The United States has to be careful it doesn't overplay its hand.! O' D W& I4 \& [5 i; `5 I# _
美国必须谨防高估自身实力。0 C7 g& [9 _0 K
7. It would force industries to be more careful with natural resources.; F# L! D: t" U2 _4 b0 q% ]% [' `
* _. q) ]9 U" U: [& ~, U 8. Despite careful detective work, many items have never been recovered.: h7 s" R, n& V/ a* z+ M# S' ^
6 t% |, i) Y; z9 r: x: Y# q- `+ l t 9. He was careful and diligent. I was all over the place.8 V r- n8 X) R5 l
% p" a7 G" r0 z2 | 10. I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future.
- D0 ^7 H- S/ N4 e5 A7 | 我暗暗发誓,日后要倍加小心。
7 b0 g6 m6 N' E 11. If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework./ a+ n* m t$ G5 _! A6 z
如果你不注意的话,孩子们往往会不重视他们的家庭作业。" p& {7 ^3 x: M7 R# E5 A6 u5 d9 i( Q
12. Those in his employ were careful never to enrage him.
/ q& G4 s4 r4 } i; C1 R4 a6 s6 I 在他手底下干活的人都非常小心绝不去触怒他。0 n9 h1 F1 s& `2 F# q
13. You can't be too careful when a young child is near water.
! h# N8 Q- H" B Q 孩子在水边时,还是越小心越好。* B; I' F m# t
14. Politicians are usually careful not to ruffle the feathers of their constituents.* W* x/ O1 t9 L
政治家们通常都很小心,避免激怒了他们的选民。# q! V; s# o; g8 `4 j5 F
15. I asked her to be more careful in future.
- j0 n8 V0 R! B! Y 我要她以后要更加小心。5 m, x9 L( l' ^- c7 @) w- l2 ?
t0 V N8 e3 { |