- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
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- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
benefit近义词: advantage, benefit, interest, favour, profit, gain T$ W# h2 I% q, \. ?7 ?1 g+ v: ?6 ?: V
+ t& H0 U2 [) l* }4 p7 B 这些名词均有"利益,好处"之意。
$ r. @% F- M7 ]3 V advantage 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。
+ c" I: [" l$ C' Q benefit 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。: W( F; x# @. [( ^
interest 作"利益"解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。/ o$ B/ Q. ], ~* O" |: l: ^: @9 C
favour 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。
/ W( N9 ~. o" y' D$ ^9 X1 |0 L profit 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。) I$ P; C3 x# m5 E7 p4 u
gain 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。
; M: R# H9 n1 R' o# W' g benefit的英语例句:) f8 p1 A" K& k B `" H! s8 X
1. It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements.5 I* j4 F' H5 ]4 s' p
3 ?7 l6 G4 Q$ {" B. w) k% _ 2. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.
# s- k7 s4 G% ?$ D! R2 N! } 各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。
4 I9 Y+ q7 _9 P: ]' Q) @- N 3. In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit.
6 m3 v3 W$ j6 c& Y 1986年,有300多万人领取失业救济金。
k" X% i; x/ D- b/ Y9 A 4. Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit.
1 |5 s/ }$ y& H2 A. E" P. U+ ~+ l 数百万房主都有资格申请新的市政税优惠。
1 D: u- a. U& M; u$ d9 m+ D 5. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
% b v7 k; y$ w5 q 起初,我姑且相信了他。
% L2 N% X: K2 e" d# {. G; a5 L/ y 6. The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit.2 C, Y, J. G6 z: ~8 z, C
在中东的胜利给他带来了好处。( m- e+ D N; A( h2 |% k9 _8 N6 P
7. He doesn't have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit!3 r9 Q( ]* v g% W! N1 X4 f
: j3 l+ n8 C' \ H0 { 8. They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction." A! G* d1 Z3 N, d- U
他们获得了减税优惠。$ B9 B7 N4 {% ^; x: ~5 q \$ \
9. Among those 18 and over, 510,000 benefit claimants were not unemployed.
: K, A" e5 @& G) T( v- F+ g i 18岁及以上人群当中,有51万救济金申领者并非是失业者。
$ H; a" m' z: m! m* O0 Y% H+ X 10. Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.
' s( P0 k# d! @) W; y4 A7 o4 @ 听自己声音的录音回放对特德可能会有帮助。
1 n; P) [! Q1 s A3 y 11. Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement., G+ g L& A) z+ U: g: o; [1 q
- W. Y8 w# Y+ D6 U( w9 L 12. He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women.
! Q, t& Q( {* V/ _9 S 为了让其他两个女人听清,他提高了嗓门。# X; [1 [( O& Q- p7 d
13. Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education." ~- S% X3 X% c- M. ?
' p* G$ U, W' C' v2 P 14. They lose their entitle-ment to benefit when they start work.3 U" p0 M; @( ?' l0 R; M2 J
2 U7 b* ]$ d9 K8 K. C8 K- b7 j1 y 15. I am organising a benefit gig in Bristol to raise these funds.( P: w) B% O! C; O0 o
我要在布里斯托尔组织一场义演来募集这些资金。% g+ m' J4 Q9 S7 m0 I& L3 \1 J R5 j
. B2 T7 G; B0 h! M! V |