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[英文] repeal的近义词

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發表於 2016-10-2 17:50:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
repeal通常有撤销,废除; 否定,放弃等意思,那么你知道repeal的近义词有哪些吗?
- o$ u8 h! p% K1 F: X% b# a
' |- k6 X7 s# K* l  }$ h
  repeal近义词:2 a, |* i6 o5 C! J5 C! v7 t1 f
  abolish, cancel, repeal
, L% R5 M1 U% ?7 n3 x4 ^. F/ g  repeal近义词辨析:
2 o1 u; U0 e/ l  这些动词均含"取消,废除"之意9 J; Y4 ~: d0 w) B9 f) C- o; D
  abolish 正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。
" Z" M& g1 a0 n4 m, h+ `, H' L7 g( g  cancel 用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。
6 T: X. i1 x. ~; Y- J6 z7 M8 c  repeal 面用词,指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等。
9 P5 a( ~% a9 R" X, I/ e& J  repeal的英语例句:6 [" x; _+ E8 e" q, T+ r+ K& Q5 X& {
  1. Next year will be the 60th anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition.( l7 g% e4 y* {2 D2 z1 S
  明年将是禁酒令废除60周年。0 p# A1 W' I: o3 @  \. k' i0 [
  2. He plans to repeal a number of current policies.
# g, A% K; j; f# U& [  他计划废除一些当前的政策。: b. `2 C; t6 ^$ n" X. {
  3. Many voted for the repeal of that property law.  [) [- r$ P1 A: E" c2 b# X) g3 s
  许多人投票赞成废止那项财产法.) {% S4 e3 A3 @  G" j$ E6 J
  4. Despite continued efforts to repeal this act, federal courts have upheld its major provisions." s) A% _2 }7 E5 T' H8 ~5 L
  尽管有人不断努力以图撤消这项法律, 联邦法院始终坚持执行这项法律中的主要条款.
9 q* i. @; t# G  5. Abortion repeal is not a question of political expediency. it is part of something greater.) b+ g- p9 ]* k+ B
  废除禁止人工流产法不是一个政治权宜之计的问题. 它是一个更大问题的一部分.8 i4 K* }" t4 U) V3 @
  6. Some initiatives propose the repeal of existing state laws.1 d+ ^7 @  ?# i. ^/ [
  一些倡议建议废除现有的州法律.- c+ _. Q8 ~, t3 A, _7 m& _
  7. They wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls.
, J9 A* r. x) R* P6 f2 k( P  他们想要取消所有的经济管制立法.6 p. N& h  r& y# N3 x" U
  8. Mps are pressing for the repeal of the immigration act.1 y6 J0 E, Z& t6 C  s
  下院议员正在施加压力使移民法得以废止.0 Q; S/ u# p0 G6 {
  9. The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation.
$ E& e" j: _: s# I8 k  该议案企图废除现存的有关立法., x, d0 H' D) A
  10. The Congress decided to repeal the law./ j$ t" l- M; L% @
  议会决定废除那项法令.& j. t0 h8 t+ q$ S0 v
  11. Harry has made out a strong case for the repeal of the Corn Laws.
4 N2 q) q; Z( ~: O& |2 c, I8 X& g2 f  哈里提出强有力的理由,赞成废除《玉米法案》.
8 M, O4 b6 p$ _0 k# J. ^3 p  12. Pay: With your square for the income person's confirm of, can't repeal timeletter of credit pay.
  O; Q2 ~" x% C5 u  l7 q/ }% c3 j9 E  支付: 以你方为收益人保兑的 、 不可撤消的即期信用证支付.
& B- J9 ]. k3 A  13. There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA's power to regulate greenhouse gases.
+ v  b/ j) \6 a5 c. l: U- T  国会也有关于废止抑或是服从环境保护机构管理温室气体权力的行动.
) q" n8 D0 `3 D, [8 r% Z; I  14. We should not decide that children should not recite ancient classics due to its repeal.* i5 p2 t% T  }! D1 _7 A/ j
  经书承载着中国悠久的文化,传统的读经教育中蕴含着重要的教育方法., s% U+ I# {+ {
  15. President Bush has included the repeal of the tax in his 1.6 trillion tax cut proposal.: {/ ?" [6 h0 u4 j: T
8 o% j$ P3 z7 F) z9 b& M! P; V# D+ O- z


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