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[英文] wash是什么意思

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5 E# j( M/ ~- p% L6 ]6 S5 H9 y) ~" n) G* v% u
  wash作动词的意思:* j, i7 {+ w' r% N( |7 {
  洗,清洗;浸湿;冲刷,冲击& O* d& u, Z2 b/ C0 i; u
  wash作名词的意思:# X6 m# e$ V1 n/ ]1 g& d
7 h% K- ^! @( Z( R" Z% ?  wash作形容词的意思:0 B9 y7 R) F" F1 x
. j( V5 p1 `: C0 U! |  wash的英语音标:8 F; s* e" S+ i: c  }# \
  英 [wɔʃ] 美 [wɑʃ]
# Q, S8 u; ~0 `+ y  wash的时态:/ w6 t; ^" f9 w/ ^+ v. G  F' d
  现在分词: washing& q7 V2 c: l( r2 X! x5 E# _: ]
  过去式: washed, D- ]7 v, h3 m/ u0 W! G3 b# i
  过去分词: washed% C. @9 ^( ?! Y" L
  wash的英语例句:! G; n$ F3 k. C7 O7 Y! B) |
  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water before handling any food.
" G5 j  {. ?; b( A; r  在拿吃的之前,用热肥皂水把手好好地洗干净。" i! ]# ~' {+ P! J. f& w
  2. You should wash your feet and your privates every day.2 O; L0 D1 B1 v% G4 x# l
  应该每天洗脚,并清洗阴部。9 Y0 ?, J$ X6 K
  3. I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too.) S) t) d' v+ q4 c  \$ L) J  B0 Z
% S, E: Q& n2 k- `# i1 G" O  4. This will all come out in the wash—I promise you.
' B! f9 V; |3 }0 h* M' ?8 n  一切终会真相大白的——我向你保证。
" r; G8 o2 U3 |9 L  5. Wash them in cold water to remove all traces of sand., l% h& I  e9 d
  z; L1 V7 Q; j  l: _  6. He said her policies didn't work and the excuses didn't wash./ D+ t" V) y, `; J) l
  他认为她的政策没有起到效果,而且理由也不能令人信服。; [! \6 W8 Y* b. A& A* c5 s/ x
  7. The television headlines seemed to wash over her without meaning anything.  R0 k- k* r1 V2 H
% Q% o! U: q( I. P+ n% r. c  8. The prisoner started to wash down the walls of his cell.8 y* `, J; K, e2 w
  囚犯开始冲洗各自囚室的墙壁。4 }# J- a" W) V6 Y0 x
  9. Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain.# w: A1 r7 J0 q6 s* g6 }- ?& A" K+ i
) L7 F9 _' x3 ~8 o, D( k9 E  10. It was my job to wash out the fish tank.) p6 u/ V  k' V$ ]
0 H! ?7 D. p" K! M) ^$ H( I  11. Wash the feet, underarms and body surface using a soap.
* E, d3 Q/ r" m3 r9 D: c) {4 g  用肥皂洗洗脚、腋下及全身。* ]% m) C! A8 h1 e' G. |: v
  12. Wash the rice in cold water until the water runs clear.
1 k* M+ [0 S9 J  用凉水冲洗大米,直到水变清为止。
% a+ W/ t* @2 s7 N2 g% w$ g, {  13. Wash your face thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water.
5 w+ K  X% p7 y  用刺激性不强的肥皂和热水把脸彻底洗干净。
: a5 h# p7 Y: O( {5 J* A( O  h  14. Set on a cool wash and finish with a short spin.
+ Y: W% G* ^, a+ \* Q- l* K6 y- F  设定用凉水洗衣,最后短时脱水。. T0 C* F7 z( D" L+ Z
  15. The colours gently fade each time you wash the shirt.
1 G: L) \: p3 z! V; G% D- c  衬衣每洗一次都会褪点色。
( ^* Q+ L5 |9 P6 w1 B4 _/ a3 d% Q, O3 T


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