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[英文] recall的近义词辨析

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recall有叫回,召回; 使想起等意思,那么你知道recall的近义词有哪些吗?
/ A; n" N( d6 ?3 k4 e0 c) _8 ]) l$ T9 `. L2 n1 I$ V- l
  recall近义词:! x3 o0 j/ M6 `. S5 M# \
  memorize, remember, recall, recollect, remind
8 F5 O# z& ^3 m0 H  recall近义词辨析:  [" e7 N( e8 |; q6 v' Y* w
  这些动词均有"记忆,记住,回忆"之意。8 G4 ]+ ]) z1 Y6 ?+ i( g
  memorize 指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。
- K) ?9 Z" ~. V; l& U4 \  remember 含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。: l% D& x+ s/ k  f9 Y% [4 O
  recall remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。
. t# q$ N# r' g3 \. |& d7 G0 I% @  recollect 指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。
$ x2 n4 L- t3 Z1 U$ ?  remind 指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。' r2 u/ y/ q+ C1 |
; j% ~; b( C  G' A; E! L6 ?  1. I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.. T6 p/ C4 }/ v" i5 \% q6 O6 ~0 J
  我回想起多次同她就这些问题及类似话题进行的讨论。( U2 _/ U" x) s$ E6 K) q
  2. As far as I can recall, Patti was a Smith.( o9 q) \2 x: b! ~
" E9 x  t/ V0 C! C9 ^  3. The old-timers used to recall how hot 1886 was.
6 a& Q. b4 r2 H! [; H) l9 N  老人们常常回想起1886年的酷热。
) Y$ T3 K2 m3 D& J3 j; O: A  4. He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.' u6 G% X% g* [
  他记忆力很好,她当时说的话他全都记得起来。) n+ C4 g4 v4 s6 y0 z+ X
  5. Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.
8 |# i6 f; p( V  公务员、教师和自由派人士正在散发请愿书,要求将他召回.
' }5 Y$ ^, g1 X+ z8 R( B4 L  6. They recall the good buddies they used to have in middle school.; F9 Y5 j9 S5 l' T
  他们想起了过去上中学时的好伙伴。( l+ t" d4 h* s6 T4 n' ^' e
  7. Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.
$ w% X. g* X) b8 y  g1 ^4 H  即使病情严重的健忘症患者通常也能记起如何进行日常活动。
- r: {& @; J: q( v3 H8 x) p/ T  8. I recall every detail of the party., q. M' c0 D! q! ?/ y
  我回想起聚会的每一个细节。( A7 m  U# A; J; F
  9. The ground has been polluted beyond recall.  i& ]8 L% Q5 e4 V
  这片土地已被污染得面目全非。3 T, E- @) @5 ]* n. O) u- p0 W
  10. She could not recall his name.
, _0 [/ q( u! Q% R8 H  她想不起他的名字。
5 o5 J6 }" G0 _5 V  11. He seemed to have a very selective recall of past events.
$ M: t; ?+ I3 h! Y+ I  e' m  他好像对过去的事情有选择地回忆.6 X$ N3 G& x: Y0 R% G7 n0 d* \1 ^
  12. As you may recall, he was in the army then.& s7 Y, ]0 z. q
  你可能记得当时他正在从军.* `& C- {7 C# M% |& U6 d5 o5 t
  13. We demand that you recall your army from our border.8 A7 d4 f5 S. t. V; A4 m* o1 O
  我们要求你们撤回在我们边境的部队.- l" u! I5 u8 y# T
  14. The recall of the Ambassador was embarrassing for the country.. P  ~6 G6 h# g% d, @; o
  大使被召回使这个国家感到难堪.& @0 R& _/ ?7 x* l
  15. I know his face but I can't recall his name.8 Y* v+ ?& Z4 ?
  看他面熟,名字可叫不上来., @% _: P# T/ S5 m; c  q" P
# Y/ z# I3 R9 A9 V# n% y


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