- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
+ O# \2 ?) v2 `' _! `1 f# W# r$ }" _
5 S1 |! f3 x+ {7 d: ]& n
; E8 k$ b$ H+ X6 {# g ATTENDANT: Can I help you, sir?
$ r4 @ y$ u$ y8 j5 G$ O% _ SAM: Yes, I've been sitting here for a few minutes.( e7 R. l: t/ u/ m6 v
I'm waiting for someone to put gas in my car.
M+ E- N! g9 a4 C6 S$ f ATTENDANT: I'm sorry, sir. But this is the self-service pump.
* @0 c: S8 Z! J$ |. |" G4 w+ G) k; n SAM: Self-service?
% L' a& T( R6 V# ? ATTENDANT: Yes. You must fill up the car yourself.* k4 _+ M9 y, i% q! k; t5 V! k" ^
SAM: Are you serious?; A+ E; I# g' [
ATTENDANT: Yes. Are you traveling here?$ N# @5 `9 T8 S( J g
SAM: Yes, I'm from Taiwan. I never heard of a gas station where you fill up your own car.! T# K% R; i" o5 [
ATTENDANT: In America, most gas stations are like this.
9 ~0 b: o4 }, G" k7 k2 @6 r SAM: Do I really have to do it? I don't know how.% U1 U- G; k# R
ATTENDANT: Well, since this is your first time, I will do it for you.
1 r+ u2 M3 z; E But next time, if you want a full-service gas station, you should look at the sign.
% `1 o( C$ v6 N( k. w8 N SAM: What sign?& D& T0 n5 U3 n, j
ATTENDANT: Under the sign for the gas station,+ p1 y/ Q( Z B" ]- c
there will be a smaller sign that says “Self-Serve” or “Full-Service.”) ?/ {+ y) M ~0 ~) i/ e
And some gas stations have both.. r# p6 }6 r! ^/ l6 e
But if they have both, some pumps will be self-serve and some will be full-serve.
7 G5 s% A- P( J+ T3 |. `# C! P You have to look at the signs.: V; H1 u: V( y/ r* o
SAM: I see.( \0 K) h/ p" p, j( k& Z. Y9 u
ATTENDANT: What kind of gas does this car take?3 O3 w* p$ j$ g: Z- J8 L# ~1 h
SAM: I don't know. It's a rental.( Q" ^: F* J1 H* t& v9 H. w
ATTENDANT: I will give you premium unleaded. Alright?
4 X" a0 B8 s% h/ p) _9 _1 C9 { SAM: Sure, why not?
1 S8 M' h, i! g3 B1 v3 d ATTENDANT: That is the pump you are in front of.
) `) f; C% O0 D5 K& K3 a7 {+ i SAM: Is it expensive?
9 L5 B2 P. b+ A4 f3 n- y ATTENDANT: It is the most expensive.
8 u/ i( w* ^% [6 @8 ] SAM: Well, I don't want it then. Can I move to another pump?1 e/ f x( q7 R8 F5 S
ATTENDANT: Yes, I can give you regular unleaded. But you have to back up the car a little.
2 n. L$ K/ D% W! z% q$ q9 ^ SAM: Give me regular unleaded then. I will back up.
5 k; T q; }4 e. k Can you wash my windows for me?( \) ]& i Q% z6 r
ATTENDANT: I'm sorry, sir. This is not a full service gas station.
( h* W5 a ~! D+ c2 V% w I will help you fill the gas, but we don't wash windows here.8 }8 n4 c {+ D+ C3 }1 u
SAM: Really? Well, I guess I have to get used to it.1 y" @7 r! [- v: a( A' @4 d- N" f
加油站服务员:先生,需要服务吗?" m5 ^5 R- N, A* z' r* k5 Q
0 O8 O1 _; A ], d" l1 ` 我在这里等人帮我加油。
. I' x: O, h1 s 加油站服务员:先生,抱歉,这里是自助加油站。
6 S* u4 B4 M# j3 r 山姆:自助?
6 ]7 a; O. P- I7 s( b 加油站服务员:是的,你必须自己加油。1 I8 A# m9 Q( n. ^
山姆:真的吗?7 W4 m2 u: t8 `7 }) ~: ` |0 o
2 u+ \( _. ?% s2 Q% D2 G/ L 山姆:是的,我从台湾来,我从未听说过需要自己加油的加油站。/ H0 P- n4 x2 d6 @3 d0 o& f: K3 P
3 }8 P" }) g s5 V; n: j! p 山姆:我真的必须自己来吗?我不知道怎么弄。0 k: M6 g& S/ B& n. ^* T3 A
# K% D/ R ?- b4 a2 @8 R, R4 I0 b 下一次如果你想到服务加油站,应该注意一下招牌。
5 |# V8 o) n j! [ 山姆:什么招牌?
' `- l& N6 f' q6 C2 Z N0 e y- b 加油站服务员:在加油站招牌底下,5 ^5 |# I5 }0 `/ C1 [4 N" t' n
有一个小标示写着“自助加油站”或“服务加油站”。: b( z# U" w, E+ Z0 |: q! I
) j& l4 f& O% z- Z& R 如果是两种都有的,自助式和服务式的加油管道会分开。
8 K* X* p, M! _ 你要看标示。8 m( t2 |/ m1 ~ l4 w
% h2 Z0 A! s! [ 加油站服务员:这辆车加什么油?" `* b; R- o" x, t
山姆:我不知道,这是租来的。5 m. w! |* Y' l$ c! U) p
* T5 K" k* H/ J0 C 山姆:好啊。9 S r) \; \) z+ l& S
- h( g$ T" Y6 o! R' d7 Y* ^ 山姆:很贵吗?
4 @5 c& k0 L( z, V! C& Z- U; ]" ` 加油站服务员:这是最贵的。; A! |+ L J: W7 B( F3 m
o& K/ X7 _5 B9 M! f 加油站服务员:那我给你加一般无铅汽油,但是你要把车后退一点。
* g, F0 t) `9 O& S 山姆:那么给我一般无铅汽油好了,我后退。' H% ^ J, o4 M1 ?1 j" v
你可以帮我洗一下窗户吗?# {+ P6 A, ?/ X
加油站服务员:先生,抱歉,这不是服务加油站。3 o V' u& z5 Q8 Q* y. M
% v& q( E7 u3 e ]* a5 Z 山姆:真的?我想我要慢慢习惯才是。
& O l l* w% G9 b$ ^: \0 ?0 E7 x2 E% C5 g