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[英文] 面试问答英语情景对话3

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發表於 2016-11-10 22:40:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
面试问答英语情景对话3$ J* t7 B- R& T; c8 T, S
  Smith: What do you expect of the position?
) b( V; o8 s3 w4 ]  史密斯:对于这个职位,你有什么期望?' U6 H. S' o: ]
  Jack: I hope to apply my knowledge and experience on the job and make further improvement.; z; ^2 k1 j9 h  z4 m1 d. ]* H
  杰克:我希望可以把自己的经验和学识应用到工作中,并且取得进步。8 R! j6 e3 G4 k0 k- |3 d
  Smith: What do you think about occupational planning?
; d& |: C' x" t  B' C# D  史密斯:对于职业规划,你如何看待。
  A: F3 U) l. _4 i  Jack: It is quite important for all of us. Without clear goals, one may lose direction and cannot pavethe way for their future.; ^) }4 t. M) u9 b
2 X2 E' I1 I! O  Smith: Tell me something about your goals.; A' s0 H2 p) U- h' M  B/ z1 u
  史密斯:说说你的目标吧。+ ~1 s0 H3 c# c1 ~5 G
  Jack: As a graduate, it may be more important to develop myself effectively in my future work. And whatever job I may take, I will make the best efforts.
% w8 O7 @6 v$ ^" F  杰克 :作为一个毕业生,如何在未来的工作中提高自己似乎更为重要。不论我从事什么工作,我都会全力以赴。
, ~( w2 ]+ E1 O$ n  Smith: If confronted with difficult task, what will you do?
( [) Y, c6 E" A8 ~0 i5 m  史密斯:如果面临艰巨的工作,你会怎么做。/ L. v4 d( W4 g. N( |, p/ @
  Jack: I will make full use of the chance and get myself ready for the challenges all the time.& x6 B; z+ @7 V" ]! |
0 Q' d6 c( v4 t! I  Smith: Would you care much about your salary?; w1 C: }4 ^% L1 F, d* O
- \* C5 U0 j- U/ f1 ?  Jack: Salary is, admittedly, important, but I will care more about what I can learn from the job.; y# L* W5 @$ R! Y: B/ w( t
  杰克:薪水固然重要,但是我更看重自己能在工作中学到些什么。; q- i; C3 S3 H2 j9 R* p6 G9 u
  Smith: If you were assigned some work which you are not so interested, would you take it or not?
3 V. x, W3 X$ V! g' n# D  史密斯:如果派给你一份并不感兴趣的工作,你会a不会接受?1 j4 Z. A. G. \- w1 W% P! q5 \2 M
  Jack: I would take it. After all, interest is not the only thing one should care about.
4 E$ v7 f. f. t" t! {, l  杰克:会的。毕竟,兴趣不是唯一值得在意的事情。  J0 j  A3 Z; ?2 j9 a. U% q
: I" r6 S  T' ^/ K, J- c0 _4 {( M


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